Armitage Baptist Church

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Wonderful Fellowship, Day 3

Written by Adam

Family and Friends,

We. Are. Blessed. What our team anticipated would be a terrible inconvenience by being delayed one day of our scheduled trip to South Africa, actually ended up being a wonderful time of fellowship with Paul Hagelgans and his faithful workers serving in Germany. 

We had a delightful welcome from Paul and his colaborer Anton when we arrived to Frankfurt airport. They were gracious to have provided us transport to Bible Mission Global’s headquarters and upon arrival, we had a delicious breakfast prepared by the staff. We were offered an inspirational testimony by Paul and the work his organization is doing throughout Europe and Asia (14 and counting!). 

The Gospel is being preached and propagated throughout these regions and the effect is amazing in so many ways. BMG has been able to provide resources to widows and orphans in Afghanistan by courageously and fearfully using the power of Jesus to compromise with the Taliban leadership. In these circumstances, they are blessings to those in need that would otherwise have a life of hopelessness and despair. It is without doubt that people of this country and many others are hearing about and believing in The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

After a wholesome conversation with Paul, we retired to our rooms which allowed us some much-needed rest for several hours. It was later in the afternoon that we sat down for a meal with Niels and Mathias and heard more about the impact BMG is making, specifically in Pakistan. What would likely be inconceivable for most Americans to go to a country in opposition to Christianity has turned into an opportunity for BMG to bless the people of Pakistan with Eternal Hope. Both young men have felt called to lead a life led by Jesus and were an encouragement to us in the work that they are doing. 

They gave us a tour of the facility where the outreach efforts are centered and it is incredible that they have developed Russian Bibles through a collaborative effort for the people of countries like Bolivia and Paraguay where the language is spoken and written. To be able to see the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) in action blesses our spirits immeasurably and helps with the mission that lies ahead of us.

As of now, we are awaiting to board the plane to Cape Town and will hope to arrive by 10am, Monday. God’s blessing to you all and much love from the other side of the world!