Your Kids Learn, Grow & Have Fun
Our children’s ministry provides a safe and caring atmosphere where children can be themselves and learn about God. We use age-appropriate lessons to teach the Bible and how to apply it in everyday life. Our dedicated volunteers love Jesus and share that love with the children they serve.
Infants & Toddlers
Our nursery gives parents a chance to focus on what God is teaching them in Bible studies and worship services without worry or distraction. Every week, we pray for each child, read Bible stories, and provide loving encouragement while caring for the children’s needs.
Sundays @ 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Infant, One- & Two- Year-Olds: Room G03
Three- to Five-Year-Olds: Room 230

Children Bible Study
Bible Study teams teach relevant Bible lessons to using music, skits, interactive lessons, games, crafts, and more. The specific activities are chosen according to age, but every class is focused on teaching children about God and His Word.
Sundays @ 11:30 am
First through Fourth Grade: Room 430
Fifth & Sixth Grade: Room 426