This coming May our wonderful team from Armitage Baptist Church will be flying over to Metro Manila in the Philippines!! Our trip will be taking place this coming May 12-22. We are excited to partner with Pastor Arnel Cruz and Abundant Life Baptist Church, the church he pastors in San Mateo, Metro Manila. Alongside Arnel and the team over in Abundant Life, we will be volunteering in their Hoop Heaven International and Kid’s Jam ministries. Both ministries are catered towards facilitating fun activities to engage the youth in the Philippines, and through those opportunities expose them to who Jesus is, while also creating a network for the kids to connect with and find mentors, regardless of their living situations. More specifically, the Hoop Heaven Ministry is centered around providing a space for the youth to play basketball, where they are taught different drills to practice, along with being given the chance to participate in games and tournaments. As for the Kid’s Jam ministry, it mainly consists of showing youth new, fun songs that are not only fun, but also point back to Jesus.
The team will fly out on May 12, and plan to arrive in Manila on May 14, and for the first 3 days, May 14-16, we will be serving in the Kid’s Jam ministry, as Abundant Life has 4 different locations that Kid’s Jam is hosted at. On May 18, the team will split into two groups with the men participating in the Hoop Heaven ministry, while the women on the team will be running their own Bible study with the team in Abundant Life.
$6,535 RAISED
$11,480 GOAL
RAISED $600 | GOAL $1435
I am super excited about this trip! Not only to be able to see where my mother is from but also to see what God has in store for us! I have always wanted to go on a mission's trip but have never been able to go for different reasons. This trip is different. When it was first announced, I didn't think much of going but after my husband suggested I go and praying that God open doors, I couldn't find a real reason not to go. As we do a lot in life, we tend to look for reason not to obey God. Whether it be not enough money, having to take care of kids, can't get off of work or even just being too comfortable and scared to go. I couldn't find a "good enough excuse" not to go and with that I know I would be in disobedience to God. I know that when God wants you to do His will, He makes a way and that is what God has done and with your help, continue to do.
RAISED $600 | GOAL $1435
I have been blessed to have traveled around the world beginning in 2018 being led by the Spirit to do so. I've found the goal being to support our brothers and sisters in Christ through unique ways including sports and children's ministry. During my time in each country, God has shown me the beauty of community living and the strength of the people there that have learned to live on very little provision, income and resources. I have witnessed poverty beyond imagination while observing the joy and love people share with each other and the Lord. My prayer is that we can serve alongside the team in Manila, Philippines as God leads us and share the experience with our Armitage family upon our return. Thank you in advance for your love, prayers, and support.
RAISED $1000 | GOAL $1435
I feel called to go on the Manila trip because God has opened all the doors for my husband and I to go on this trip. When the past couple of mission trips were announced at Armitage there were a few things that stopped me from going such as timing, funding, and fear. When the Manila trip was announced to the church, I had the desire to go because it is a country that is near to my heart being where most of my parents’ families live. After praying for a couple weeks I saw that God provided the availability in my schedule after my work approved the PTO I needed to go on the trip. I was concerned about paying for the trip because my husband was in a transition period between jobs and I was not sure how long it would last. God once again showed His provision by blessing my husband with the opportunity to start working right away at a job he enjoys very much. I have seen my parents and my sister, Jenine, be a part of mission trips to the Philippines and I praise God for giving me the same opportunity.
RAISED $1000 | GOAL $1435
Hello everyone reading this, first off let me start off by saying that I’m very blessed and honored to be a part of this upcoming mission’s trip to the Philippines. Over the course of the time that me and my wife Natalie had first heard about, it came to us both that we would love to serve God together as we are newly wed, and this was the most perfect opportunity for us to come together and serve God in another country. Over the course of time before we had made a decision, we had many discussions, thoughts, and most importantly prayers that led to the both of us that this is where God wants us to be in the newest chapter of our lives. We cannot wait to see the amazing work that He will do there, and we cannot wait to serve Him in whatever way we are called.
RAISED $650 | GOAL $1,435
What’s up everyone! I am truly blessed to call myself a child of God, and that is exactly why I feel led to go on this mission trip with Armitage Baptist Church to the Philippines. He gave up His one and only Son for me, for us, and I want nothing more than to be able to share that same love and joy to the people in the Philippines that are experiencing poverty, hardships, or any of the realities of life, and without the love of Christ. I have been on a mission trip before last summer to Cape Town, Africa, and because of that I am very excited because I know that He will use me and the rest of the team to bless the lives of those we meet this coming May! May the Lord equip each of us with the words, love, and strength to serve those He puts in our path!
RAISED $650 | GOAL $1,435
I am extremely excited to join the Manila trip this coming May! For a long time, I have aspired to serve and carry out God’s work on a missions trip, and this year, I feel called to act on that desire. I have witnessed the Lord’s transformative work in my life, shaping me into the woman I am today. Equipped with these experiences and lessons, I am eager to begin serving in the Lord’s Kingdom, knowing that it is the calling of God’s children!
RAISED $600 | GOAL $1,435
I felt led to go on this trip to Manila because God has given me a passion for making Him known by serving and loving others, and that is what we will be doing on this trip.
RAISED $600 | GOAL $1,435
I have been blessed to be led by the Lord to serve the people of the Philippines for the 3rd time. To be able to share God’s word with the kids and their families and to be able to serve their community is a huge blessing. God is Good!!!!
Please note, that funds given to the church for the Manila Mission Trip will be used to support the overall trip, team expenses, and mission activities in Manila. Individuals wishing to support specific team members in raising funds for their trip costs are encouraged to give via check or cash, clearly indicating the name of the individual they are supporting. Any additional funds raised will be allocated for emergency purposes and reserved for future mission trips.
We sincerely appreciate your generosity and support!