Daniel Guzman
Daniel was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Chicago since the age of 6. Early on after moving to the Logan Square area his mother was approached by fellow Christians from a church in Hammond, Indiana. These fellow Christians would pick up Danny, his 2 older brothers, and his mom in a yellow school bus to attend church every Sunday. Danny made a profession of faith in Jesus at an early age during his years at Hammond. Daniel stumbled into Armitage Church looking for a local neighborhood church during his 8th grade and has considered this his church home since then. He and his wife, Annette, were baptized together in 2009 at Armitage. Daniel served in various roles throughout the years at Armitage Church: a parking lot attendant, Junior high Bible Study teacher, an usher, and for the past 3 years as one of our deacons. Daniel serves as a Chicago Police Officer in our 14th District, and whenever not at work or at church you can find him at home enjoying spending time with his wife Annette and their two children, Anabella & Tristen.